Oocyte Collection Filter: Tips To Improve The Outcome
Oocyte collection – a key moment in your IVF cycle. The eggs of the animals, precisely their quality and quantity, affect the chances of females getting and staying pregnant. So what do you do to make egg retrieval a success? Based on your experience and the best medical research, read a few tips to improve the outcome of your oocyte collection. Of course, you will need an oocyte collection filter for this purpose. 1. Get the Right Protocol. When it comes to successful egg retrieval, the correct treatment plan is crucial. Carefully considering the dosage and brand of stimulant medication is essential. A high dose pushes the follicles too quickly, which impacts egg quality. If it needs to be higher, the quantity plummets. A recent blood hormone profile should be obtained right before treatment. These results serve as the foundation for a precise, well-honed methodology. The retrieval of your eggs depends on it. 2. Pre-screen Thoroughly and Steer Clear of the Gimmicks. The ovaries are c...