The Relevant Things You Need to Know About Bovine Flush System
What do you know about the bovine flush system ? It is a part of an embryo transfer. It is an advanced reproductive tool that allows you to produce more young ones from an elite cow, extending the outstanding cattle genetics. How Does Embryo Transfer Involve? An embryo transfer involves a specific hormonal treatment known as a follicle-stimulating hormone. This hormone is transferred to the donor cow, which makes her reproductive system ovulate multiple eggs rather than just one. Then, donor cows are bred by artificial insemination, and the eggs transform into fertilized embryos. After seven days of insemination, the embryos are flushed or non-surgically collected from the donor cow's uterus. The embryos will either be frozen until future use or transferred to a recipient cow. The role of a recipient cow is to work as a surrogate mother by getting the flushed embryos from the donor cow, which has been implanted into her uterus. She, too, has been treated with FSH to be hormo...